반응형 #관노비 일지/그림책 일지100 Don't let the pigeon drive the bus! 2020. 11. 3. Heckedy peg 2020. 10. 30. Charlie needs a cloak Crook 막대기(끝이 구부러진) Flock 떼 Charlie had a cozy house, a big hat, a crook, and a flock of fat sheep. Shear 털을 깎다 In the spring, he sheared his sheep. Card 양모를 소모기로 빗다 He carded the wool to straighten it out. Spun spin의 과거, 돌리다 Yarn 실, 방적사 He spun the wool into yarn. Strand 가닥 Loom 베틀 He put the strands on the loom. 2020. 10. 29. The Wednesday Surprise 2020. 10. 28. The man who walked between the towers Kneel 무릎을 꿇다 Unicycle 외발자전거 2020. 10. 27. Who sank the boat? Go for a row 보트를 타러가다 Din 소음 (크고 불쾌한) She made such a din. Bow 뱃머리 I'll get in at the bow. 2020. 10. 26. The name jar Finger 손으로 더듬다 She fingered the little block of wood in her pocket. Pull up 멈추다 The bus pulled up to the school. broadly 활짝 She smiled broadly. Picture ~를 상상하다. 마음속에 그리다. She pictured the kids. Sprinkling 보슬보슬 내리는 비 She looked out the window and saw it was sprinkling. Gleam 아주 환하게 반짝이다 The red characters gleamed against the whiteness. 2020. 10. 23. Whistle for Wille Carton 상자 한 통 He came to the corner where the carton was, and who should he see but Wille! 2020. 10. 22. Ruby and the copycat Copycat 모방하는 사람, 흉내쟁이 Tiptoe 발끝으로 살금살금 걷다 Plop 퐁당 떨어지다 A big tear rolled down her nose and plopped onto the note. 2020. 10. 21. The dot 2020. 10. 20. Mole music Mole 두더지 Send away : to write to somebody and ask them to send you something by post/mail He sent away for a violin of his own. Draw the bow 활을 당기다 He drew the bow across the strings. Keep at it 견뎌라! 끈기있게 일하라! 2020. 10. 19. Interrupting chicken 2020. 10. 16. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ··· 9 다음 반응형